
In 1872, under the leadership of the Reverend E.T. Jones, a Church was organized and named “The College Street Baptist Church”. Later, Reverend Jones moved the Church from Third Avenue South to Eleventh Avenue South. A few years later, the Reverend A. Thomas was called as pastor and he moved the congregation to Bilbo Street (now called South Street).

The Reverend Jim Cotton succeeded Reverend Thomas as pastor. During his pastorate, a lot was purchased at 1408 Pennington Street (now called Edgehill Avenue). On this lot, Reverend Cotton and the members built a place of worship and marched in under the name “Pennington Street Baptist Church”. Reverend Cotton served and worshipped in the basement until the upper auditorium was completed.

In 1883 the Reverend E.M. Lawrence was called to the Pendleton Street Baptist Church (now Kayne Avenue Baptist Church) and served until 1905 when he became State Superintendent of Missions. In his absence Reverend Lott, Reverend Joe Lawrence, Reverend Phawe, and Reverend Farrell served as supply pastors and held the church together. In 1915 Reverend E.M. Lawrence returned to Kayne Avenue Baptist Church and served as pastor until his death. Succeeding Reverend E. M. Lawrence was the Reverend M.C. Durham, Reverend T.E. Lauderdale, and the Reverend G.E.O. Whitehurst.

From 1948 to 1965, Kayne Avenue was led by the following ministers: The Reverend W.B. Rouse, the Reverend Paul Hayes, the Reverend A.J. King, and the Reverend Grady H. Donald. In October of 1965, the Reverend Albert G. Jones accepted the pastorate and retired on July 19, 2003. The Kayne Avenue edifice, on 12th Avenue South, was destroyed by fire on November 10, 1968. The congregation worshipped in the Carter-Lawrence School auditorium from November 1968 to July 1969. They then moved their worship services to the auditorium of the United Methodist General Board of Evangelism, Twentieth and Grand Avenue.

Under the leadership of Pastor Jones, the membership purchased a new site for the Kayne Avenue Missionary Baptist Church at 1025 12th Avenue South and had groundbreaking for the new edifice on November 15, 1971. Less than a year later, on September 17, 1972 after many tense moments and purposeful endeavors, the Kayne Avenue Baptist Church family marched into its beautiful new edifice, at 1025 12th Avenue South.

A little over 34 years later, on November 14, 2004, Kayne Avenue Missionary Baptist Church extended a pastoral call to The Reverend Vincent K. Campbell of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Under his leadership Kayne Avenue grew in the grace and knowledge of Our Lord and Savior. In August of 2013, Reverend Campbell, being obedient to the Holy Spirit accepted the pastorate of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Pittsburg, PA.

Kayne Avenue Missionary Baptist Church continued to move forward under the leadership of Deacon Chairman, Odie Jones and the Interim Pastor Rev. Harmon E. Stockdale, Jr. Their dedicated leadership held the church together during the time of transition and as a result the members of Kayne Avenue were more committed than ever.

We are thankful to God for blessings us with two Sr. Associate Ministers Rev. James Vann and Rev. John Dixon, a board of committed deacons, and a board of dedicated deaconess that continued to lead through a service before reward mentality.

On December 13, 2015 the congregation overwhelmingly voted to elect Reverend Harmon E. Stockdale, Jr. as the pastor of Kayne Avenue MBC.


Kayne Avenue is truly a blessed church!